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Club Registration 2015
6th March 2015
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St.Mary’s GAC Annual Golf Classic
26th February 2015
GAC are hosting a Golf Classic sponsored by Mullaghan's Bar Rasharkin
Friday 10th April at
Park Golf Club Limavady.
£120 per fourball
(includes post golf meal)
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contact James 07517 253589
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Club Registration 2015
25th February 2015
Club Registration 2015
will be held at St.Olcan’s Parish Centre 7.30pm Saturday 7th March
to register all players for 2015. Anyone wishing to train or play in 2014 must be registered
from U6 - Senior in Football, Hurling and Camogie
A short development
presentation will be held on the night to showcase the clubs upcoming plans.
St.Mary’s GAC Member...
Rasharkin Community Partnership Table Quiz
25th February 2015
Rasharkin Community Partnership
are hosting a Table Quiz Friday 27th February in Mullaghan’s Lounge.
Everyone welcome.
All proceeds in aid of match funding for
Drumbolcan Project.
Aontroim Scor Sinsear 2015
23rd February 2015
Scor Sinsear final was held Sunday past at the wonderfully refurbished
St.Clare’s Community Hall Glenavy. Naomh Mhuire Ros Earcain had entrants in
Ceili Dancing and Question Time.
Only seven
clubs were represented at this years Scor - Cuchullians Dunloy and Con Magees
Glenravel representing
North Antrim with
St.Enda’s Glengormley, St.Ergnats ...
Training times for incoming week
21st February 2015
Please see below current Training programme
U12 / U14 Hurling continues on Monday nights from 6:45pm to 8:30pm in the Cage beside Kilrea Sports Hall. Please bring trainers, Hurley, helmet, bottle of water and £1 to help cover the costs.
Under 10 Indoor Hurling training continues on Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8pm in Rasharkin community centre. ...

Camogie Referee Required
17th February 2015
will be a referee’s course for Camogie referees held on 21st Mar
anyone is interested or knows someone who may be interested, please forward
names to Brian Cowan.
is important to have a Camogie referee to assist with home fixtures throughout
the season and the lack of may constitute in travelling away or the opposing
team providing a ref.
Antrim Senior Camogie Jersey Launch
17th February 2015
official launch of the new Antrim Senior Camogie jersey will take place 8.00pm Saturday
28th February 8.00pm in the Crosskeys Inn.
Hurl of the Crosskeys will officially present the jerseys to the team and representatives
from People 1st will be in attendance to officially present the skirts.
All clubs and members are welcome to attend the launch night. There will ...
NA U12 Div 2 Airbourne Hurling League
13th February 2015
NA U12 Div 2 Airbourne Hurling League on Sat 14th Feb in Dunloy Sports Accadamey 12:40pm to 2pm (All Saints, Glenravel, Rasharkin, Creggan, Loch Mor Dal gCais 2).
Transport leaves Fullan's at 12:15pm sharp as we are the first match.
All players to bring outdoor hurls, helmets and a bottle of water.
Please confirm if you can attend. Thank you CH