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Pre-season gets underway
27th January 2015
Senior & Reserve football
fitness test on Sunday 1st Feb in Dunloy Academy 12.30 to 2.00pm. Training
commences from Tuesday 3rd Feb at Rasharkin Community Centre 7.30pm -
9.00pm and Thurs in St Paul’s Kilrea 8.00pm - 9.15pm.
football training commences from Tuesday 27th Jan in
St Paul's Kilrea 6.45pm
to 8.00pm. Everyone bring a water bottle and one po...

St.Mary's Rasharkin Annual Dinner Dance 2015
25th January 2015
Mary’s Rasharkin held their Annual Dinner Dance at the Elk Toome on Friday past
with all guests, members, players and friends of St.Mary’s enjoying a good
evenings’ entertainment.
power point presentation showing a collaboration of the various photographs
taken throughout the past year was shown on three screens throughout the
function room.
Antrim Championship Draws 2015
23rd January 2015
The All-County Championship draws took place on Monday 19th January and dealt up some interesting ties. Below are the Championship draws relevant to St.Mary’s.
Intermediate Football
1 Prelim Glenavy v Aghagallon
2 Prelim Sarsfields v Tir na nOg
3 Prelim St Endas v Ballymena
4 Prelim St Brigids v Moneyglass
A 1/4 Final Winner 4 v Win...
Rasharkin's Biggest Loser - Back and better than ever!
23rd January 2015
For the third year running, St.Mary’s GAC are on the lookout for Rasharkin’s Biggest Loser. So, if you’re up for losing some weight, getting fitter and having a bit of craic then this is the programme for you!
This year’s Biggest Loser will include team events each week to help boost morale and activity levels. It may also incorpora...
Dreen Development Presentation
18th January 2015
GAC are presenting a proposed development of our facilities at Dreen on
Thursday 29th January at St.Olcan’s Parish Centre.
club wishes to inform and update its members on progress and extend a welcome
to friends and locals to get an insight to our plans "down the lane”.
Annual Dinner Dance
12th January 2015
St.Mary’s GAC are holding
Annual Dinner Dance on Friday 23rd January at the Elk Toome.
For tickets please
contact Paul Hasson 07745004157 or Thomas Doherty 07834713738.
Music by Beo Le
Tickets priced £22.50
(£45 for two)
Door open
at 7.15pm
10K Race, 5K Fun Run / Walk
11th January 2015
This year's Annual 10K race, 5K run / walk takes place Sunday 29th March.
Registration for both events 10.00am on the morning of the event with 11.00am start.
Entry 5K run / walk - £5.00
Entry 10K race - £10.00
Family entry - £10.00 (1 adult & 2 children)
Cash prizes for first male and female finish
All proceeds go towards Juvenile...
U10 Indoor Hurling training returns
11th January 2015
U10 Indoor Hurling training returns this Wednesday (14th Jan) night from 7pm to 8pm in Rasharkin Community Centre.
Please bring trainers, helmet, water bottle and £1 to help cover costs of hall.
New Players Welcome.
Planning an effective Football / Hurling Session
11th January 2015
Planning an effective Football / Hurling Session
Following the previous successful Ulster GAA "PLANNING THE PRESEASON" workshop, another has been arranged for the benefit of the development of our game. This will be held on our very own doorstep.
The next CPD Workshop will be on Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 7:30pm in St Marys GAC Rasharkin.
Kevin Kel...
CPD Workshop - Hurling Coaching Session
11th January 2015
Paudie Butler, former National Hurling Director, will be taking a hurling coaching workshop for coaches who are working with juvenile and youth teams in their club.
The workshop is on Friday 30th January 2015 from 7:15pm to 9:15pm (indoor) at Lamh Dhearg GAC, Upper Springfield Road, Hannahstown
Cost per Club: £10
If you wish to attend please c...